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ラベル food の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示







特徴1: カリウムが100mg以下と低く、野菜に含まれるカリウムが気になる方にもお召し上がり頂けます。(参考: 日本食品標準成分表2010掲載のリーフレタスは490mg)
特徴2: 硝酸態窒素を75mg前後と低くしたことにより、苦味を抑えました。ほんのりとした甘みも引き出しています。
細菌収穫時の一般生細菌数: 検出下限(40個)以下
(2013年12月分析結果: 葉1gあたり)


インド出張へGo! - 食事



まず水はペットボトルの水しか飲まないようにしましょう。そしてペットボトルもカチっと自分で開けたものしか飲まないようにしましょう。一度レストランで"bottled water"を頼んだところ、歩きながら開けて注いでくれたウェイターがいました。これはちょっと不安でした。次回からは"change"しようと思いました。また、氷もNGです。せっかくペットボトルの水を飲んでいても、氷を使ってしまっては、もとの水と混ざってしまいます。ハミガキもペットボトルの水でしたほうがいいとも聞きました。コップ売りのコーラやレモネードも避けたほうがいいでしょう(レモネードは当たりました)。ボトルワインなどは大丈夫だと思います。意外に安全なのが、コーラなど。もちろんプシュっと言わなければおかしいのですが、炭酸が弾けないコーラなんて売れませんから。また、ココナッツウォーターにはチャレンジをしまして、これは平気でした。ココナッツの殻に穴を空けて、そのまま飲むから天然そのものだからでしょうか。

(Dilli Haatで食べたChowmein。美味しかったのですが…残念(写真下)。)






  • カレー仕立てのポテト@左上
  • パーラーター(Parantha)(平たいナン)@下
  • パコダ(Pakoda)(豆腐揚げ)@右
  • プーリー(Puri)(揚げたナン)@右上







[ホテル | TOP | 移動手段]


Sumita, the best UDON restaurant, has moved to Akabane!

I'm lucky to know it before going back to Japan.

Sumita is my favorite Udon cuisine in Japan, and I believe Sumita is the best IN THE WORLD!

By the way Sumita located at Jyu-jo. In this spring Sumita has moved to Akabane. Please check out the new place if you don't know.


Inland Sushi

I tried eating Sushi at Fresno, the inner California.

As a result, I realized it might be difficult to get fresh fishes in such places like Fresno.

As you know, the freshness is the most important element in the modern Sushi. The restaurant I tried in Fresno seems to be unable to get them.

When I ate the first Sushi at the restaurant, I immediately felt:
  1. The way to cook(grab) Sushi was good maybe.
  2. The size of rice was professionally small like restaurants in Ginza, Tokyo.
  3. HOWEVER, the fish on the rice was apparently defrosted from frozen condition, and it was dried too much.

Although there was just one problem, the third factor ruined all efforts of them. I guessed it's difficult to transfer fresh or alive fishes from sea to inland places in the U.S.

I hope they become able to get fresh fishes or to cook Edomae Sushi.
(In Edomae Sushi, freshness is less needed if and only if the restaurant can prepare fishes before transferring them.)







Tacoは、soft taco、hard taco、taco supremeの3種類があったので、「taco supreme」と言っても「ハァ?」と聞き返されてしまいました。いまだにカタカナ英語から抜け出せておらず恥ずかしいのですが、「taco サプリーム」「taco シュプリーム」「taco スプリーーーム」と繰り返してもNG。

「ダメだ…」とあきらめ、「taco?」と聞かれたので、「That's it. Two please」で注文終了。でも出てきたのは「taco supreme」だったようなので、何だか無駄に苦労したなぁと言う感じです。













Shabuway in Mountain View

今日はマウンテンビューのダウンタウンにあるしゃぶしゃぶのお店に行ってきました。その名も「Shabuway」(180 Castro St, Mountain View, CA)。




少し工夫している点としては、お鍋に入っている出汁の種類が三種類あること。昆布だし(Seaweed Broth)、味噌味(Miso Broth)、スパイシー味噌(Spicy Miso Broth)。相方は昆布だし、僕はスパイシー味噌にチャレンジしました。ポン酢も普通にいけていましたが、神戸牛とスパイシー味噌、そしてゴマダレのコンビネーションが新しく、そして逸品でした。


    ※ アメリカのレストランにディナーを食べに行くと、店内が暗いです。ムーディーなのはいいですが、僕は何を食べているのかわからないほどの暗さは苦手です…。

マウンテンビューのダウンタウンはアジアンテーストで、美味しそうなお店がたくさん。たまたまアートフェスティバルみたいなのが開催されており、露天でココナッツミルクを飲んだり。Young Coconutを叩き割ってストローを挿して$2。中には天然の砂糖水みたいのがみっちり入っています。ストローで果肉を食べることもできて、ナタデココのような食感でした。







グレーシャーポイントからは、ヨセミテバレーを一望することができます。ハーフドームもほぼ側面から眺めることができます。1000M下にあるマーセド川がゆらりと蛇行しながらヨセミテバレーの底を這っているのが見えます。グレーシャーポイントから谷底まで2~3時間で下ることができるトレイルルート"Four Mile Trail"もあり、ツアーバスに乗れば再び帰ってこれるそうです。

グレーシャーポイントからの眺めも絶景ですが、その手前にあるWashburn Pointからの眺めも最高!ヨセミテバレー背後に広がる大地をポカっと口をあけて堪能することができます。ハーフドームに登るときは、マーセド側沿いにバーナルフォールとネバダフォールを経由して進みます。なんとも素敵な山登りコースです。


帰りはEl Portalからマーセド、ギルロイを通って帰宅。このルートは北周りよりも少し時間がかかりますが、街があって寄り道もできるし、道がのんびりしていて良いです。ただし、El Portal付近で落石のため、迂回路を片側通行になる箇所があります。その箇所は実際3分くらいで通過できるほど短いのですが、信号待ちの見積もり時間が15分と書いてありました。今回はそれほど待ちませんでしたが、エンジンを切って待ちました。
夜になりマーセドで適当に入ったタイカレー (23 E 16th St, Merced, CA 95340)が安くて($7くらい?)美味しかったので、お勧めです。道中、小腹が減った際にいかがでしょうか。



I had three incidents at Subway - Apr 29th 2009 14:55

Today I bought a Turkey Breast sandwich at Subway in university.

When I ordered a foot long Subway Club, the waiter refused my order and said something. The reason why they refused me was that they have been unable to serve meats for a while because of swine flu. The waiter told me about the notification in front of the shop. Subway seems to have suffered from the flu.

Second, the waiters were different from those who had served so far. I remember most former waiters were from Mexico. Although I may be suspecting too much, the usual waiters may also be also at home.

And finally, when I paid it, it cost more than $5. The Subway seems to have stopped the campaign of a foot long size sandwich for $5. Oh how sad it is!


Funny Names of Hamburgers at Alice's Restaurant

Yesterday I went to Alice's Restaurant to eat an American hamburger, and discovered funny names of hamburgers. A part of the name list is on the web site, here I want to write more names of it.
  • Vespa (Garden burger served with lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado...)
  • Yamaha (Chicken breast, teriyaki, pineapple & jack with lettuce...)
  • Honda (Chicken breast, bacon & swiss with lettuce, tomato...)
  • Triumph (Turkey patty, jack & green onions with lettuce, tomato...)
  • Le Mans Burger (Sauteed mushrooms, grilled onions, & swiss...)
  • The Hog (2 sirloin patties, avocado, grilled onions, & cheddar...)
  • Harley (Bacon, sausage, grilled onions, cheddar & jack...)
  • Moto Guzzi (Marinara sauce, jack cheese...)
  • BMW (Bacon sauteed mushrooms, worcestershire sauce & jack cheese...)
  • Kawasaki (Green Chili & jack)
  • Suzuki (Teriyaki, pineapple & jack)

And this picture is Vespa... Does it look like Vespa?


Torta - メキシコ料理





今日は先日発見した「カルピソーダ」を飲もうとHattoriya (799 San Antonio Rd, Palo Alto)に向かったのですがお休みだったので、その近くのメキシコ料理屋Sabor Mexico Taqueria (2595 California St, Mountain View)に入りました。

Super BuritoやSuper Quesadilla(のSuper)にも目がいきましたが、tortaというのが何なのかわからなかったのでTorta de Carnitasをオーダー。カーニタスかと思ったら、カルニタスとのこと。オーダーするときにTorta一つだけ頼んだところで「Everything?」と聞き返されたので少し不安な気がしていたら、やはりドデカイのが来ました。どうやらメキシコ料理におけるハンバーガーのようです。


ちなみに、相方はSuper Quesadilla Plateを頼んだら、、、これまたデッカイquesadillaともう一つのお皿が来ました(通常は一皿に集約されている)。




Is Santa Cruz Clam Chowder the Best? - Dec 23rd 2008 15:38

I like California clam chowder. I've eaten it in Santa Cruz, Half Moon Bay, Monterey, and San Francisco.

Santa Cruz clam chowder is less famous than of Monterey and San Francisco, isn't it? But I think Santa Cruz is the best. Of course this might depend on the restaurant.

My wife and I went to Santa Cruz to eat it, and she agreed with me, even though the clam chowder of that day was a little salty...

Tastes differ at each place, I think. I will continue to try to discover the best one!
Now I would recommend trying the clam chowder in Santa Cruz if you like this sort of thing.


A Vietnamese Restaurant in Los Altos - Dec 20th 2008 02:18

Today I had lunch with my Russian friend, who leaves U.S.A. to Russia next week. The financial crisis brought damages all over the world. He had to interrupt temporarily his scholarship program and had to be back to his country to work again for his company.

So I invited him for lunch in a Japanese restaurant with my Japanese friend and my wife after taking him to Comcast (an ISP) to cancel his Internet account. According to my friend's blog, this restaurant called Sumika was supposed to be a good one. We were looking forward to it. But unfortunately the restaurant finished lunch time just 5 minutes before we got there. As a result we had to look for another restaurant. After walking the side street of Main Street, we found a Vietnamese restaurant and decided to enter into it because my Japanese friend likes Vietnamese foods.

Except for this friend, that was the first time for us to eat Vietnamese foods. I tried Bun-thit-nuong, a Vietnamese vermicelli (thin rice noodle) with sweet-and-sour sauce, beef and chicken, and vegetables. It didn't come with soup. That was a different point from Pho. The noodle itself had no taste, but the sauce complemented it. It was probably a delicious dish, but I didn't have any words to express the taste. Other people felt the same...

We were supposed to be talking about how we felt about the US, how much we like the US, what we thought about Mr.Obama, and where the US. was going to... But it was impossible while we were eating because each of us was trying to find out what the Vietnamese food was. Finally I wonder whether or not I was able to say goodbye properly to my Russian friend.


Cyclying in San Francisco - Dec 16th 2008 17:51

Last Saturday, I went to San Francisco with my bicycle.
I planned to get on Caltrain from Palo Alto to San Francisco with my bicycle and to bike around there. It took about one hour.

At first it was fine when I arrived at San Francisco. However, once I had biked for 5 minutes, it was getting rainy and began to storm. Although I had heard that San Francisco's climate is changeable, I never imagined that it would change so quickly.

Because I had no choice, I locked my bike near the station. Then I got on the SF Municipal Railway. It was very cute and cheap ($1.50 for several hours). Unfortunately, the weather was fine again as soon as the train started ;-)

I went to Pier 39 to eat San Francisco clam chowder. I've eaten it in Santa Cruz, Half Moon Bay, and Monterey. My favorite is from Santa Cruz. Eating San Francisco clam chowder didn't change my mind. Now San Francisco clam chowder is my third favorite. However I may change my mind again. So I have to keep trying other restaurants, don't I?

When I returned to Caltrain station, I found out that my bicycle had almost been stolen! The small thin wire had been cut! Although another thick wire wasn't cut, the rear brake wire had been cut, too. It was awful!

I now think it was my fault to have left my bicycle there... Going back on the train with my bike, I was thinking that I wanted to have my bike repaired as soon as possible...


Winery Tour

Although I can't drink wines much, I was interested in wines in California.
California seems to be famous for wines because of the amount of productivity of wines, which raises 90% in U.S.A. To create wines, California winery factories seem to work on the fog which San Fransisco is famous for.

First I went toward the north, and then arrived at San Francisco. The town of San Francisco was covered with fog, but Golden Gate Bridge was very clear. The photos were taken from the north side of San Francisco. It was a grand scenery where artificial things are mixed with nature.

Then I was at Sonoma Valley. Sonoma Valley is one of big winery places as well as Napa. An official of the Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau recommended me to go not only some typical wineries and cheese factories but also a place related to Jack London, who was a characteristic American author from Sonoma. When I said "I'm sorry, I don't know him", she seemed to be very sad... Sorry.

I visited the Sonoma Cheese Factory and Vella Cheese related to Cheese around the Visitors Bureau, and then went to the Buena Vista Winery and the Benziger Family Winery‎.

The Sonoma Cheese Factory was a shop to sell Cheese, Wines, and something about Sonoma. In the store, I could try many kind of cheese. Although smoked cheese was delicious, but unfortunately I didn't buy anything.
The Vella Cheese was also a cheese shop, but also a factory. we can buy their handmade(?) cheese. I tried some cheese so that I bought a red cheddar cheese. It was a important point, especially in U.S., that the shopper was very friendly.

Buena Vista is a oldest winery in Sonoma. Although I went there and saw it, I couldn't find out what I could there. I could only see old buildings of factory from outside and some pictures with the history in the factory. It seemed to be needed there to make a reservation of a tasting tour.

As soon as I arrived at the Benziger Family Winery‎, the staff called me and offered a winery truck tour for US$25. It was very interesting me, but it included wine tasting. I couldn't drink because I had to drive a car to go back home. So I said no thanks, then I walked a little bit around the winery by myself. The winery was very spread with some small hills. It was very beautiful! It was very easy to imagine the good taste of wines. But they also offers only wine tasting for US$10 per a person. My wife tried it. In the tasting, we can drink 6 glasses of wines. There were many choices of wines. She looked very enjoying wines, and she said "I want to enjoy them with much time". So I bought a wine bottle that she chose.

That's all. What an excellent place Sonoma is! I'd like to go again with my friends and family.

By the way, Palo Alto is safe place at the aspect of traffic. But in near Berkley, it was a little bit dangerous to drive a car because roads were very crowded like Tokyo... I'd NOT like to drive a car there no more if possible...


Carmel, a Beatiful Place

We visited Monterey and Carmel via Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz.

Monterey was an old town and seemed to be nostalgic. But it was not suitable for sightseeing, I think. It is because the Clam Chowder I ate was not better than ones of Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz I had ate (you cannot believe, but the clam chowder did not include any clams!), and because the aquarium was quite expensive but very normal... So I think almost all Japanese whose country consists of islands can skip this place. But it's important for families with children to visit the aquarium because it is a good educational place (not for sightseeing). We can see pretty sea otters and enjoy quiz shows (of course in English).

Carmel is a beautiful place to see sun sets. Sand of the Carmel beach is white as if it is snow. You can see orange-colored sky when it is sun set time. The day I saw it was cloudy... So I'd like to try to see it again!
Additionally Carmel has many natures and view points such as the Point Of Lobos and the waterfront of 17 Mile Drive. I could see wild otters and sea lions at the Point Of Lobos. They were very nice places even if they are only for seeing. I would also like to visit them again.

So if you come to the Silicon Valley, you cannot miss Carmel!

Dirty Water from the Faucet of the Apartment.

This morning, I was surprised and disappointed at the quality of water in California. Water in this morning was brown like thin tea, even though it was in a few minutes...

It may be because my apartment is so much old (about 40 years old). However almost all apartments in U.S.A. are old, I think.

Many people living in California believe that their water is clean and enough to drink. The problem might be caused not by California water but by old apartments. However drinking tap water as it is must be risky for human bodies.

I recommend not to drink water of apartments, hotels, and even restaurants in U.S.A.

By the way, we can buy water at the supermarkets. But if you watch those products, you will find some words such as "distilled" or "ozonated". Does this mean that water isn't natural but what was gotten from faucet?


Pumpkins at Half Moon Bay

You know pumpkins are important in Halloween in U.S. They are sold anywhere in these days.

When I went to Half Moon Bay, the place of western California facing Pacific Ocean, which is famous for its agriculture and fishing, I could see many pumpkins. It was a week before, so a few people are there. But there would be crowded when it was a week later, the day of the pumpkin festival in Half Moon Bay on Oct. 18th and 19th, 2008.

The pumpkins were so big! I wondered who can eat and how were they cooked. People found a favorite pumpkin and bought it. It must be a custom in U.S.

In the description of Wikipedia, "Originating in Europe, these lanterns were first carved from a turnip or rutabaga." So other countries don't have pumpkins such many as U.S. in this season. And Wikipedia is introducing that Halloween festival is also held in Japan. But unfortunately it may not be true, I think.

By the way Half Moon Bay is the town which has the bay shaped in the form of crescent moon. The town seems famous in fishing. Fresh(living?) fishes were sold. The kind of fishes is fluke of sole of which I like sushi made of. I got a great information about raw fishes.

At the port of the city there are some restaurant. I ate a clam chowder at the restaurant near the dock. My friend said to me later that "You offten eat it" But it was delicious so that I like it.