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ラベル trip の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示







  • Cardinal Hotel (パロ・アルト)
    • 古めだった。エアコンはなし。出張で泊まったという話を聞いたことがあるが、冷蔵庫もないので長期滞在には不向きだと思う。インターネットは$5/dayだが、近くのカフェに行けば無料。
  • Super8 (パロ・アルト)
    • はじめてのモーテル。香水のにおいがきつかったけれど、特に問題なし。コストパフォーマンスが良好。スタンフォード大学には自転車かCラインのバスで行ける。ただし、バスは夏休みはお休みなので、徒歩では時間が掛かることに注意。インターネットは無料。
    • 日本人にフレンドリーなフロント。ブレックファーストはこれまでで一番良かったかも。小さな中庭付き。空き部屋が多かったためか、たくさんの部屋から好きな部屋を選ばせてくれた。
  • Planet Hollywood (ラスベガス)
    • ベラッジオの噴水を正面で見られるし、ストリート中央で移動に便利。とても立地が良いホテル。
  • Ramada (ロサンゼルス・ハリウッド)
    • 地下鉄駅付近で、移動が大変便利。車で行ったら、一晩$16(=1,600円)も駐車場代に取られた。週一回無料のお笑いショーがバーでやっていたが、寝過ごして見られなかったのが残念。
  • Cortona Inn & Suites Anaheim Resort (ロサンゼルス・ディズニー)
    • とても広い部屋だった。少し歩いたバス停から、無料シャトルバスでディズニーランドまで行ける(バスで5分かからない)。フロントのワイヤレスLANは無料。
  • Best Western Hollywood Hills Hotel (ロサンゼルス・ハリウッド)
    • 前日に予約したのに、眺めが良くて(ハリウッドサインが見られた)、広い部屋を案内してくれた。
  • Comfort Inn Lone Pine (ローンパイン・デスバレー)
    • デスバレー西側にあるモーテル。とてもきれいなモーテルで、感じも良かった。朝は決めていなかったのだが、無料のブレックファーストもあった。少し北に行けば(車で2分くらい)、ローンパインの街があり、レストランが5店くらいあるので、選んで夕食を食べられる。ガソリンスタンドも斜め向かいにあるので、デスバレーに向けたガソリンの心配も要らない。
  • Death Valley Furnace Creek Ranch (デスバレー国立公園)
    • デスバレー中心にあるホテル。食事はホテル敷地内のレストランで食べることに成るが、料金は高めで、非常にまずかった。泊まらない&食べないのが吉。
  • Tenaya Lodge (ヨセミテ国立公園)
    • ヨセミテ国立公園南側の入り口すぐそば。高級リゾートと言われている。建物は古いが清潔。お願い事や準備不足な点がいくつかあったものの、その際の接客サービスに不愉快なことは一切なかった。
  • Francisco Bay Inn (サンフランシスコ)
    • ロンバードストリートの坂道の反対側直下にあるモーテル。車で行く場合は、早めに行ったほうがいい。駐車場は狭いので、狭い場所しかなければフロントにキーを預けて誰かの車の前に停めるのが吉かもしれない。歩いてロンバードストリートの坂道にも、フィッシャーマンズワーフにも行ける。立地とコストパフォーマンスはいい。ただし、夜は早めに帰ったほうがいい。フロントの対応はやや冷淡。



Death Valley - Amazing Views

The last week I went to the Death Valley National Park.

I wish the trivial questions such like "What is Death Valley?" and "Where is it?" are referred to the wikipedia page or the official guidebook.

Here, let me show you some pictures of Death Valley. These are some of pictures already uploaded to Panoramio, so my all pictures with maps can be seen at the site.

Although almost all points can be approached by car, the scale is different from the size of Japan. For example, the distance from Stovepipe well to Scotty's Castle is about 45 miles (= 72km). It deserves the distance between Yokohama and Odawara. We have to go and come back quickly, so it must take a few hours to see the point... It may be a good idea to stay out side of Death Valley because it is necessary to go back and forth if we stay the center of the park.

We stayed 2 nights at Comfort Inn of Lone Pine and the Furnace Creek Ranch. The Comfort Inn was clean, certainly comfortable, and well accessable to Death Valley.


How Quickly TOYOTA Hollywood Repaired My Car. - Jan 19th 2009 11:27

TOYOTA of Hollywood repaired my car in half a day. Japanese auto garages could learn a lot from them.

My car's engine check lamp began flashing on the way from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. Because it was right after I refilled gas in South Las Vegas, I though the gas might have been bad.

I called AIG road service, but it couldn't help us enough. The road service only offered to call the towing service which could cost up to $75. They told me that we should find a car repair shop and the best solution while repairing by ourselves. When we tried to find TOYOTA dealers in Las Vegas with Tomtom PND, there didn't seem to be any dealers.

I wanted to have a TOYOTA dealer check my car (TOYOTA Corolla) because it can check the ECU (Engine Control Unit = a computer on the car) with PC which can exactly detect what is wrong on the engine. Usually, I think, car repair shops without dealership can only adjust the tuning of the engine. So I needed a dealer shop.

Fortunately, my car seemed nothing wrong except for the lamp at the moment. My wife and I decided to go to Los Angeles where a TOYOTA dealer exists near the hotel whose reservation I had.

As soon as we arrived directly at the dealer shop TOYOTA of Hollywood, a service agent asked me what was wrong. When I explained the symptom (and our travel schedule) to him whose name is Alex, he could understand me well in spite of my bad English pronunciation. Because it was after 5 PM, he scheduled to check my car early morning the next day.

He said to me that he tried to call me 10 AM, but I got his phone call before 9 AM the next day. He explained the report of the diagnostics by phone, I couldn't understand him because I am not good at speaking English by phone. I had him wait for me by my arrival.

When I arrived at the shop 10 AM, he showed me the report. There were many things to be repaired.

The most important trouble was the electrical breakdown of the air flow sensor, which caused the engine check lamp. Additionally the engine belt got almost broken, and the drive shaft boots had a crack. They need have been replaced as soon as possible, but not immediately. He explained symptoms and costs to me very carefully, but he never forced me to repair all of them. It totally cost $1600 to repair all, and he said it must have been really expensive and depended on me.

However we decided to do according to him because we wanted to use the car without anxiety and we didn't want to have any troubles in the desert between states of the US.

The cost seemed to the same to in Japan. But what surprised us was the time to repair. He offered that he could return my car by 5 PM! At first I thought that it took at least 2 or 3 days to repair all, and I suppose it is usual in Japan. But he said the incredibly period. It didn't affect out travel schedule at all. I asked him immediately.

When I came to the dealer after 4 PM, my car was repaired completely. The engine check lamp was turned off. I wanted to thank him, however he was not there because he had back problem and had gone back to home already. I appreciate his quick repairing.


I Successfully Upgraded My Room at a Las Vegas Hotel for $20. - Jan 18th 2009 22:08

I was able to get a better hotel room with the upgrade trick.

My friend told me about the trick. The way described in detail at and is to pass $20 with a credit card to the front desk and say "Do you have any complimentary upgrades available?".

I was worried about embarassing myself because my English pronounciation is bad. So I prepared a memo of the words in advance. And I passed it with my credit card saying "Do you mind if I say?". The front desk person received the tip, and he tried to find the best room for a few minutes. He offered two rooms, a room that had a nice view with a king size bed. I chose the king size bed one because he recommended it to me when I asked which is better. After all, I could stay two nights in front of the BELLAGIO fountain show.

By the way I have one tip and one question. The tip is that the longer the stay is the more effective the upgrade trick is. Though I stayed two nights, for 20$, the longer I stay, the better the benefit.
And my question is whether $20 was absolutely needed, or not. It's because the front desk person didn't check the amount of the bill and put it into the pocket of his pants. Wouldn't it have worked for $10?


Prepared for Las Vegas

Today I received the entrance ticket to the International CES (Consumer Electronics Show).

Although I wanted to see the exhibition, I couldn't go because I had a lot of work to do.

Now I'm at the west coast of the U.S. and I can go the CES if I wish. I submitted the entry to the CES by myself, not through the company I work for. I registered my university as my mailing address and organization. So my business associate indicated that the CES is restricted only to people related to the consumer electronics and that I could not enter the exhibition. Umm, maybe... But I'm still a worker of a consumer electronics company. Even though I am on a visiting scholar program sent by the company, I still have my own company business card. So my admission was denied, I will show it. If my admission ticket is not accepted, I will just go to casinos right away.

At the moment, I think there is no problem because my ticket arrived at my office at the university by mail.

By the way I don't know the reason CES is held at Las Vegas. Why does the place have to be Las Vegas? Is it because there are so many hotels? After all, I wonder that might be the reason because people attending there want only to play at casinos over the nights. That is my secret reason : to check it while playing together:).


Cyclying in San Francisco - Dec 16th 2008 17:51

Last Saturday, I went to San Francisco with my bicycle.
I planned to get on Caltrain from Palo Alto to San Francisco with my bicycle and to bike around there. It took about one hour.

At first it was fine when I arrived at San Francisco. However, once I had biked for 5 minutes, it was getting rainy and began to storm. Although I had heard that San Francisco's climate is changeable, I never imagined that it would change so quickly.

Because I had no choice, I locked my bike near the station. Then I got on the SF Municipal Railway. It was very cute and cheap ($1.50 for several hours). Unfortunately, the weather was fine again as soon as the train started ;-)

I went to Pier 39 to eat San Francisco clam chowder. I've eaten it in Santa Cruz, Half Moon Bay, and Monterey. My favorite is from Santa Cruz. Eating San Francisco clam chowder didn't change my mind. Now San Francisco clam chowder is my third favorite. However I may change my mind again. So I have to keep trying other restaurants, don't I?

When I returned to Caltrain station, I found out that my bicycle had almost been stolen! The small thin wire had been cut! Although another thick wire wasn't cut, the rear brake wire had been cut, too. It was awful!

I now think it was my fault to have left my bicycle there... Going back on the train with my bike, I was thinking that I wanted to have my bike repaired as soon as possible...


Winery Tour

Although I can't drink wines much, I was interested in wines in California.
California seems to be famous for wines because of the amount of productivity of wines, which raises 90% in U.S.A. To create wines, California winery factories seem to work on the fog which San Fransisco is famous for.

First I went toward the north, and then arrived at San Francisco. The town of San Francisco was covered with fog, but Golden Gate Bridge was very clear. The photos were taken from the north side of San Francisco. It was a grand scenery where artificial things are mixed with nature.

Then I was at Sonoma Valley. Sonoma Valley is one of big winery places as well as Napa. An official of the Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau recommended me to go not only some typical wineries and cheese factories but also a place related to Jack London, who was a characteristic American author from Sonoma. When I said "I'm sorry, I don't know him", she seemed to be very sad... Sorry.

I visited the Sonoma Cheese Factory and Vella Cheese related to Cheese around the Visitors Bureau, and then went to the Buena Vista Winery and the Benziger Family Winery‎.

The Sonoma Cheese Factory was a shop to sell Cheese, Wines, and something about Sonoma. In the store, I could try many kind of cheese. Although smoked cheese was delicious, but unfortunately I didn't buy anything.
The Vella Cheese was also a cheese shop, but also a factory. we can buy their handmade(?) cheese. I tried some cheese so that I bought a red cheddar cheese. It was a important point, especially in U.S., that the shopper was very friendly.

Buena Vista is a oldest winery in Sonoma. Although I went there and saw it, I couldn't find out what I could there. I could only see old buildings of factory from outside and some pictures with the history in the factory. It seemed to be needed there to make a reservation of a tasting tour.

As soon as I arrived at the Benziger Family Winery‎, the staff called me and offered a winery truck tour for US$25. It was very interesting me, but it included wine tasting. I couldn't drink because I had to drive a car to go back home. So I said no thanks, then I walked a little bit around the winery by myself. The winery was very spread with some small hills. It was very beautiful! It was very easy to imagine the good taste of wines. But they also offers only wine tasting for US$10 per a person. My wife tried it. In the tasting, we can drink 6 glasses of wines. There were many choices of wines. She looked very enjoying wines, and she said "I want to enjoy them with much time". So I bought a wine bottle that she chose.

That's all. What an excellent place Sonoma is! I'd like to go again with my friends and family.

By the way, Palo Alto is safe place at the aspect of traffic. But in near Berkley, it was a little bit dangerous to drive a car because roads were very crowded like Tokyo... I'd NOT like to drive a car there no more if possible...


Carmel, a Beatiful Place

We visited Monterey and Carmel via Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz.

Monterey was an old town and seemed to be nostalgic. But it was not suitable for sightseeing, I think. It is because the Clam Chowder I ate was not better than ones of Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz I had ate (you cannot believe, but the clam chowder did not include any clams!), and because the aquarium was quite expensive but very normal... So I think almost all Japanese whose country consists of islands can skip this place. But it's important for families with children to visit the aquarium because it is a good educational place (not for sightseeing). We can see pretty sea otters and enjoy quiz shows (of course in English).

Carmel is a beautiful place to see sun sets. Sand of the Carmel beach is white as if it is snow. You can see orange-colored sky when it is sun set time. The day I saw it was cloudy... So I'd like to try to see it again!
Additionally Carmel has many natures and view points such as the Point Of Lobos and the waterfront of 17 Mile Drive. I could see wild otters and sea lions at the Point Of Lobos. They were very nice places even if they are only for seeing. I would also like to visit them again.

So if you come to the Silicon Valley, you cannot miss Carmel!

Excellent View from Hoover Tower

My wife came here last week, so I went to several places in California with her this week. We visited:
  • Stanford University
  • Monterey and Carmel
  • San Francisco and Sonoma Valley

The Hoover tower is one of symbols of the Stanford University today. Because there are no tall buildings arround Stanford and Palo Alto, we could see good view of Sillicon Valley. You may know, the sky of California is clear and excellent. So we were very surprised when we got off the elevator of the tower.
I had wanted to go to the tower, the tower had been closed before October however. We were very happy to see all of the Stanford University and Bay Area!


Pumpkins at Half Moon Bay

You know pumpkins are important in Halloween in U.S. They are sold anywhere in these days.

When I went to Half Moon Bay, the place of western California facing Pacific Ocean, which is famous for its agriculture and fishing, I could see many pumpkins. It was a week before, so a few people are there. But there would be crowded when it was a week later, the day of the pumpkin festival in Half Moon Bay on Oct. 18th and 19th, 2008.

The pumpkins were so big! I wondered who can eat and how were they cooked. People found a favorite pumpkin and bought it. It must be a custom in U.S.

In the description of Wikipedia, "Originating in Europe, these lanterns were first carved from a turnip or rutabaga." So other countries don't have pumpkins such many as U.S. in this season. And Wikipedia is introducing that Halloween festival is also held in Japan. But unfortunately it may not be true, I think.

By the way Half Moon Bay is the town which has the bay shaped in the form of crescent moon. The town seems famous in fishing. Fresh(living?) fishes were sold. The kind of fishes is fluke of sole of which I like sushi made of. I got a great information about raw fishes.

At the port of the city there are some restaurant. I ate a clam chowder at the restaurant near the dock. My friend said to me later that "You offten eat it" But it was delicious so that I like it.


Driving to Santa Cruz

3 weeks ago, I drove a car to Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz faces the sea south than Stanford. It took one and quarter hours by car. There is a little bit dangerous section at the Santa Cruz Highway where the width of the road gets narrow and people run it as fast as possible. My Corolla was run after to a pickup truck and I felt very scary...

By the way Santa Cruz is the beautiful and calm under the strong sun. People enjoy beach valley and playing kites. And tourists enjoy an amusement park, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, and restaurants.

I ate a shrimp salad and a clam chowder. The clam chowder was covered with a big bread. So I scooped up it with a spoon and ate. I felt that it was delicious!

Now it is October, so I want to go there again to see the autumn of Santa Cruz and to eat the clam chowder. The next I will use the sea side road where I will go through Hal Moon Bay.


Airplane, Trains, Bus, and Car to Stanford from Narita

At last, I've arrived at Stanford. I'm now very busy to set-up my life environment:

  • Banking and Money
  • SSN
  • University Check-in
  • House
  • Driver's Lincense

But some of them were finished. Today the most important task is to decide my room in Stanford. I think the rental fee of rooms near Stanford is very expensive. Perhaps it is higher than Tokyo's one. But considering the security status, I can't help doing without selecting apartments such as the Oak Creek and the Sharon Green, I think.

By the way, let me write more detail and a lot of things later.

Today, I'd like to introduce the vehicles and a plain that I used from Narita to Stanford.

  1. United Airlines
    From Narita International Airport to SF International Airport. It took about 9 hours. The airplain was not so bad, I think.
  2. The Airtrain in SF International Airport
    This is an unmanned train which goes around the airport. I tried to take the experience and went around a half of the airport without necessary. :)
  3. BART
    This is a metro which connects Sunfrancisco and the airport. I used it between the airport and Sun Bruno and between Sun Bruno and Millbrae.
  4. Caltrain
    The most exciting portion in my trip is the Caltrain. I've never seen the big train such as this!
  5. VTA Bus (Rapid)
    To borrow a rent-a-car, I used the bus to the Hertz in the Palo Alto. To ride buses at Palo Alto, it costs $1.75, and we must pay it exactly with coins. At first, I have no coins. So I was refused to ride it. So I run to Citi Bank and change $5 bill into 25-cent coins, and tried it again. Then I could use it. But the bus was a little bit scare. So I'd not like to ride it again.
  6. Mazda3
    Finally, I am driving Mazda3 (Axela in Japan) which I borrowed from Hertz with the Hertz navigation system, Neverlost. The navigation system seems good because it is simple GPS system and it can guide routes in several languages.


Izu Saboten(=cactuses) Park

Last Sunday, I went to Izu Saboten Park with my family to celebrate KANREKI(60th birthday) of my mother.

Although I have been to the Saboten Park ever, I've forgotten the experience because it was when I was a child. So it is been a long time to go there.

The Saboten Park has a broad land, many birds and animals and Saboten. It looks like a zoo rather than a botanical garden. Animals includes squirrel monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, kangaroos, and big rats. Birds are peacocks, pelicans, flamingos, and parakeets. Although all of them are very rare, we can also see shows of chimpanzees and parakeets. I watched the parakeet show, it was very funny.

Of course the park has Saboten. Some cactuses had their flowers, which it was the first time for me to watch. The colors of the cactus flowers varied; red, yellow and purple. And I knew that no cactuses were in Africa. Cactuses originally live in the North and South America. What looks like Cactus might be a kind of aloes(I didn't remember exactly).

Also there are Saboten-Gari corner, where we can see many small cactus, choose and take up some of them, and pay for them finally. It is for souvenirs. I and my wife selected a cactus covered with a lot of white extremely short spines, and we gave to my mother it as a present.

I wish my mother would be fine forever as well as cactuses lives for a long time.

By the way, I was also surprised at that the word "saboten" is not an English one. Saboten consists in "Sabao" from a Portuguese word which means soap and "te" from a Japanese word "手" which means hands. So it is a Nihongo term. I do not know why "te" has been attached. I guess that it is because some kinds of cactuses shape their leaves in the form of human kind.

P.S. Many policemen/policewomen were in trains on my way. It is because the summit is going to be opened. Furthermore Nihon have two childish and strange criminal acts recently. One is the Akihabara indiscriminate casualty incident and one is the case of scribbling a big word "hack" on a Shinkansen superexpress. So police had to get tense very much.

Nihon has been too safe. Something has recently gone wrong, though. Although I feel there are too many policeman/policewomen, I think it is OK.



This post is for people living in Nihon. So let me write this in Nihongo.



The Important Keywords to Choose Your Onsen (a spa).

The Japanese Spa: A Guide to Japan's Finest Ryokan and OnsenYesterday before yesterday, I stayed at Yufuin in Kyusyu to enjoy the Onsen(spa). Yufuin is famous for the Onsen. It is very plentiful in the amount of hot water welling up from there.

As you might know, Nihon has a number of spas. Yufuin belongs to the most famous ones. However there are many Onsen inns in each place. Do you know how you should choose it? What should be it besed on?

The answer is two key words. One is "Gensen". Another is "Kake-Nagashi".

Gensen means that the water used in the hotel is pumped out both directly and in the place. Gensen might mean that the amount of the water is enough because the hotel do not have to need more water from other hotels. By Gensen, you will be able to experience the fresh Onsen.

Kake-Nagashi means that the water is provided as it is. Some of spas boil up the water or thin the water with the service water to cool the water or to raise the amount of the water. Kake-Nagashi must also be rich in the amount of the water as well as Gensen. With Kake-Nagashi, you will enjoy the original Onsen.

Although I introduced two key words, Gensen and Kake-Nagashi. When we try to look up the key words in the many hotels, it will be found that such hotels are a very few.

The quality of Onsen that hotels servicing both Gensen and Kake-Nagashi provides must be reliable! Please remember the two words and consult with your tour conductor by the words.

The hotel I stayed is Yufuin Mall. The Onsen quality was very good because of Gensen Kake-Nagashi. And both the dinner and breakfast were very beautiful and delicious. Then the cost was very reasonable. I can recommend you the hotel.







