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ラベル USA の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


Pumpkins at Half Moon Bay

You know pumpkins are important in Halloween in U.S. They are sold anywhere in these days.

When I went to Half Moon Bay, the place of western California facing Pacific Ocean, which is famous for its agriculture and fishing, I could see many pumpkins. It was a week before, so a few people are there. But there would be crowded when it was a week later, the day of the pumpkin festival in Half Moon Bay on Oct. 18th and 19th, 2008.

The pumpkins were so big! I wondered who can eat and how were they cooked. People found a favorite pumpkin and bought it. It must be a custom in U.S.

In the description of Wikipedia, "Originating in Europe, these lanterns were first carved from a turnip or rutabaga." So other countries don't have pumpkins such many as U.S. in this season. And Wikipedia is introducing that Halloween festival is also held in Japan. But unfortunately it may not be true, I think.

By the way Half Moon Bay is the town which has the bay shaped in the form of crescent moon. The town seems famous in fishing. Fresh(living?) fishes were sold. The kind of fishes is fluke of sole of which I like sushi made of. I got a great information about raw fishes.

At the port of the city there are some restaurant. I ate a clam chowder at the restaurant near the dock. My friend said to me later that "You offten eat it" But it was delicious so that I like it.


Adjusting Wheel Alignments at Firestone

I had Firestone shop adjust wheel alignments of my car. It cost $79, very cheaper than Japan I think.

The reason why I adjusted was that my car was likely to go left and I had to lean the steering a little bit right. It may be caused by so many bumps in parking of apartments, the university, shopping centers. Although I had owned 2 cars in Japan, I had no experience to adjust wheel alignments. Those who want to adjust wheel alignments in Japan are only people who love car race and dangerous run, I think. And the cost of the wheel alignment is expensive in Japan, I think.

However the cost in the United States is very reasonable! Firestone service/mechanic staff, who is a very kind lady, indicated to me two plans: One is one time adjustment for $79. One is forever free adjustment plan for about $140. I would choose latter plan absolutely if I could stay here and use my Collora more than one year. I selected one time adjustment. I must appreciate her work because she checked my all tires and she told me that I didn't need to change tires which were almost new. And then she rotated my tires for free (usually it costs $20, she said) because three tires were of Bridgestone's (Firestone is an associated company of Bridgestone). How kind she was! (And she could speak a little bit Japanese!)

I found a good car maintenance shop!

NOTE: Please refer to the Firestone web site and get coupons when you go to the shop.

NOTE: Wheel Works at San Jose offers the adjustment for $85. America's Tire at Mountain View cann't handle the service.

Driving to Santa Cruz

3 weeks ago, I drove a car to Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz faces the sea south than Stanford. It took one and quarter hours by car. There is a little bit dangerous section at the Santa Cruz Highway where the width of the road gets narrow and people run it as fast as possible. My Corolla was run after to a pickup truck and I felt very scary...

By the way Santa Cruz is the beautiful and calm under the strong sun. People enjoy beach valley and playing kites. And tourists enjoy an amusement park, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, and restaurants.

I ate a shrimp salad and a clam chowder. The clam chowder was covered with a big bread. So I scooped up it with a spoon and ate. I felt that it was delicious!

Now it is October, so I want to go there again to see the autumn of Santa Cruz and to eat the clam chowder. The next I will use the sea side road where I will go through Hal Moon Bay.


Eye-Catcher of Today

Today I went to the farmer's market at the California Avenue. In Palo Alto, two (or more) farmer's markets are opened. Two of them which I know are Palo Alto Downtown on Saturday and California Avenue on Sunday. I go to the farmer's market either day to obtain fresh vegetables.

I bought bright yellow tomatoes (, a cabbage, and a green). And I ate an Armando pie and drank a cup of the mango lassi. Wonderful vegetables and foods I've never seen are interesting me. I am excited on Saturday and Sunday.


The Sky of California is Quite Beautiful!

Today I ran my bicycle and went to the Stanford Dish.

Actually I had planed to go to San Francisco for sightseeing today, but I was much sleepy in the morning. So I canceled San Francisco and decided to go somewhere else by bicycle. When I drove my car, I knew there is a mountain nearby the Stanford University and some people entered the mountain. I've been interested in it.

By the way it is getting colder and colder recently. And it is cloudy in the morning and it is fine from afternoon now. Today is not the exception.
When it is fine, the sky in California is very good! I like it very much. I could see the beautiful sky because I went to the mountain.

Let me show you some pictures of today.

In California, there are many squirrels in parks, towns and the university. Squirrels in the Stanford Dish mountain seem very fat. I guess there are many food for them.



成田からサンフランシスコ空港、そしてPalo Altoまではこのエントリで書いたので、今回は現地宿泊について書こうと思います。




ホテルは会社の負担限界$150以下のホテルでPaloAlto駅近辺でお願いしたところ、Cardinal Hotelを予約してくれました。
Palo Altoダウンタウンは2時間パーキングがたくさんあるためか、実はこのCardinal Hotelは駐車場を持っていませんでした。これは失敗。日中は2~3時間ごとにレンタカーを移動する日課になり、街をブラブラする"オフ"の日を取れませんでした。夜は夜で繁華街でうるさく、少し離れたところにレンタカーを停めることになり、不安で毎朝見に行きました。
Cardinal Hotelは古き良き雰囲気のようなホームページですが、ただ古いだけです。誰でも入ってこられるロビーで、主に職員がくつろいでいます。そのロビーを通ると客室へスルーなのですが、鍵が簡単な開きそうなドアで、PCはケンジントンロックで固定、貴重品と書類は毎回持ち歩く破目になりました。しかも冷蔵庫がないので、シリアルと牛乳を買って朝ごはんにすることができませんでした。基本的に全て食べに行きます。一階のosteriaというイタリア料理はPalo Altoナンバー1のイタリア料理みたいで、夜は行列です。一度食べた感じだと、東京なら味は普通で、値段は高く、量が多い店です。判断をするにはまだ早いかもしれませんが、日本人は行かなくていいと思います。また会計が不明瞭で、アメリカ人マダムもクレームをつけていました。あと、ホテルのホームページの写真でStanford大学の風景が散りばめられていますが、Stanford大学へは歩いて行けませんし、何も関係がありません。また、写真のようなキレイな結婚式をするスペースもないと思われます。それと、シャワーはちょろちょろとしか出ないので、股の間のシャンプーの泡を落とすのが大変でした。節水のためのようですが、余計に水を必要とした気がします。そしてエアコンすらなく、また半分の部屋は裏路地のゴミ捨て場の上に位置しています。インターネットは$5/24hoursでした。

Super8はStanford大学に接しているわけではないですが、自転車があれば楽に通えます。レンタカーを返してしまったので、San Antonioショッピングセンターの先のバイクショップThe Off Rampで、DiamondbackEdgewood '08を買いました。Diamondbackというメーカーは知らなかったのですが、Edgewoodのデザインと軽さ、価格($299)で決めました。これさえあれば、レンタカー要らずで、Stanford University内外を行き来できます。Super8の近くに、Mike's Bikeがあります。こちらはSPECIALIZEDのバイクばかりで、かなり高め。Super8の店員に聞いたら、少し遠いけどThe Off Rampのほうが安いよって教えてくれたのです。


  • Cardinal Hotel
    • 全くお勧めできない
    • 8月中旬 $150
    • 冷蔵庫とエアコンがない
    • インターネット$5/24hours
    • 半数の部屋は路地裏のゴミ捨て場の上
    • 夜は繁華街でうるさい
    • 駐車場がないので不便、不安
    • セキュリティがゼロ
    • シャワーの水がちょろちょろとしか出ない
    • Stanford大学には遠い(と思うがバスを使えば便利か)
    • ただ古いだけ
  • Super8 PaloAlto
    • 位置と値段の面で、お勧めできる
    • 8月下旬 $100
    • 自転車があれば便利
    • 香水臭い部屋だった
    • シャワーの水はちゃんと出る(排水が弱かったが)
    • 冷蔵庫、エアコン、テレビあり。
    • 名前がアメリカっぽくてイカす
    • インターネット無料