Fortunately I have worked under the rule of the flex time, where I can go to and come back from the company anytime if I complete my job. So I decided to be from 10:30 AM to 8 PM. It was very helpful for my commuting environment, where I could have a seat in trains almost in a hour everyday, and helpful for other business associates who also come and work later time. In my job, the incidents are caused from afternoon in many cases.
However my boss force me to come and to stand by from early morning. He, and the company, is/are improving some problems such as the health, environment, mental level of workers. Yes, that's right, I think. But the direction conflicts with the working condition and contract, and it's very inconvenient to so long commuters such as me!
Anyway I must go early morning... If I sleep a lot, I will lose a seat of trains. I get a crowded train from Honda-cho to Chiba, and change trains. At Chiba some first trains start. Today I slept much, then I had no time to wait for the train in which I could sit absolutely. So I ran and went into the train into which other commuters had been already. But!!!! I could find a empty seat in the train!!! Oh my kami-sama!
Now I am very glad and I can't help writing this situation. So I post it.
P.S. I am looking forward to seeing other world than Tokyo. I am inpatient for August when it is my departure to US.
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