

How to build WMP10 SDK samples with Visual Studio 2008 C++ Express Edition

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: A Beginner's GuideHow to build WMP10 SDK samples with Visual Studio 2008 C++ Express Edition.
  1. Install Windows Driver Kit for a MFC header(atlbase.h).
  2. Open and convert sample dsp files with Visual Studio.
  3. Add a WDK include path of C++ in which atlbase.h is.
    • Supporse WDK(Version 6001.18002) was installed in C:\WinDDK\ and the folder is pointed as $(WDK):
        Additional include path is: $(WDK)\inc\atl30
  4. In the case you need afxres.h when compiling source codes or resource files, add mfc path of WDK.
    • Supporse WDK(Version 6001.18002) was installed in C:\WinDDK\ and the folder is pointed as $(WDK):
        Additional include path is: $(WDK)\inc\mfc42
  5. If the compiler reports an error: "fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'winres.h'.", add a resource include path of WDK.
    • Supporse WDK(Version 6001.18002) was installed in C:\WinDDK\ and the folder is pointed as $(WDK):
        Additional include path is: $(WDK)\inc\mfc42
  6. To link atlthunk.lib, add the library input path.
    • Supporse WDK(Version 6001.18002) was installed in C:\WinDDK\ and the folder is pointed as $(WDK):
        Additional library path is: $(WDK)\lib\atl\i386

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