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ラベル life の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示




スタンフォード大学近隣のPalo Altoと隣のMenlo Parkという市は高級住宅街さながらのようです。上野の旧岩崎邸真っ青な豪邸がたくさんあります。豪邸とまでいかなくても、個性的な建物と良く整備されたお庭があって、見ているだけで非常に楽しいです。

今日はMenlo Parkの街中を自転車で周ってきました。立派な邸宅ばかりで、感嘆してばかり。一度でいいからお邪魔してみたいものです。その風景を紹介します。

  • 石造り風の家

  • 城?

  • 門構えだけで、その中の凄さが想像できる…

  • 丘の上の家

  • 日本風の豪邸(大抵アメリカの"日本風"は何か間違っていることが多いのですが、このおうちの庭は本格的でした。日本人が家主なのかもしれません。)




Closed Caption Already Available.

This information is not new, but... As you know youtube made the closed caption available in last August, the function has also been available at since a few months ago. Now, thanks to the function, I can enjoy The Sarah Connor Chronicles more than before.


Caltrain and VTA light rail

Whenever I get on the Caltrain, I am surprised at the size of it. I have to say it is clearly the American size.

Today I got on the Caltrain and the VTA light rail. Although I forgot to take a picture of the light rail, it is the small train on road.

It costs $1.75 to take the light rail, nobody seems to check it though. However it's necessary to pay the fare if you don't want to be arrested suddenly. (I have seen the scene that someone was arrested at Los Angeles.)

A problem for passengers is that we have to pay money for the ticket by $1, $5, or $10 bills or quarters. Today I was very embarrassed because I didn't have any bills such like those on the way back. We have to have many $1 bills or quarters always.


土浦市とPalo Altoが姉妹都市になったこととWBC


ところでWBC優勝しました…しかし現在見られるHDTVのチャンネルでは、WBCは放映されていませんでした。Yahoo Japan!の速報だけが便りでした。それでもハラハラドキドキ、かなり楽しめました。




I got a motorcycle license of California. - Mar 21st 2009 00:12

At last the motorcycle license card came to me.

It had been long time since I had submitted the application in December. When submitting, I wished I could understand English more until then. However my English skill had not been improved drastically. So I was really upset. Nevertheless I passed it successfully. I'd like to write how I could get the license below.

The application for the motor cycle license can be done through the Internet, I chose Mountain View-Los Altos Adult School for the place, and it cost $250.

My English tutor who is also a motorcyclist told me that I was going to have a place to discuss the traffic rules and general knowledge about motorcycles. I read the California Motorcycle Handbook to know them. After reading the handbook, I learned most English words about motorcycles which are almost the same to Japanese words. It was important for me to have as many words as possible in advance.

The program consisted of 3 days.
1st day:1 class (18:30-21:30)
2nd day:1 riding (12:30-18:00)
3rd day:1 class (7:55-11:00)
1 riding (12:30-18:00)
It is organized by MSF.

The class of the 1st day was the hardest. I got a textbook of Basic Rider Course in the lecture, and I had to read it ULTRA quickly, discuss it in a group, and give answers to my coach. Everyone did it very fast, and some members helped me. I appreciated their kindness. I had difficulties to find answers of the concept about motorcycle traffic rules in the US. However when theme went to motorcycles, it got easier for me.

For the 2nd class of the 3rd day I read the textbook fully in advance. I checked all points, so I gave members a little help in the class.

Riding motorcycles was very enjoyable. Most students were novices. So everyone was excited: someone wasn't able to stop, someone happened to stop suddenly, and someone fell down unluckly. Because I had a little experience, riding a motorcycle was easier than speaking English. But I had difficulty to turn slowly and sharply using a little American motorcycle, SUZUKI GZ250. Going over obstacles was also difficult. That's because I wasn't able to stand up on it and achieve a balance.

At last, I passed both the writing test and riding test narrowly. A little big problem about the writing test was English as I anticipated. I lost 2 questions because of the reason, but it was OK.

After the program, I had to go to the DMV to take the writing test. It's based on the California Motorcycle Handbook. Because I had read it already, it was easy. However I didn't know some English words, so I lost 4 questions. The number of maximum points I was able to lose was 4. (I had to obtain 21/25 to pass the test). I seemed to be on the edge again.

I didn't know, however there are test examples online. This is useful for the preparation of the lecture and the test at the DMV.

Anyway, I got the license today. Because my photo on the license card looks like a picture of a Hispanic person rather than of an Asian, my wife laughed it a lot. However I am happy now.








華氏=摂氏×2 + 32





Windows XP 用の更新プログラム (KB955839)
最終発行日時: 2008 年 12 月 9 日
一般的なダウンロード サイズ: 256 KB
この更新プログラムをインストールすると、改訂された夏時間に関する法律によって多くの国で生じる問題が修正されます。この更新プログラムによって、お使いのコンピュータの時計を 2008 年の正しい日付に自動的に調整できます。インストール後には、コンピュータの再起動が必要になる場合があります。

どうやら夏時間への変更日がころころ変わっているらしく、その設定のためのパッチがきちんと出ていた模様。この一週間は時計が合わずに気持ちの悪い日々でした…。時間が戻るとWireless LANの調子が悪くなったこともあり、やや時間も費やしました。



SUZUKI GZ250 - Mar 02nd 2009 01:15

It had been eight years since I rode a bike when I attended the bike lecture. The bike was SUZUKI GZ250.

Although it had been eight years, I thought I am still not good at turning tightly. The foot position of GZ250 is too forward to run standing on the bike. I didn't lean the bike so much, however I rubbed my heel during fast turn. Is this why? Because the posture was the front and back reverse to my previous bike I owned, I needed take time to get used to riding a new bike yesterday and today.








It was so hard for me to speak English this week, I was lucky though. - Feb 21st 2009 03:59

This week I had difficulty speaking English.

I am taking a class, and the assistant professor of the class is the one who is famous in an area related to my research.

For a few months I'd wanted to ask him about my idea. I finally did it yesterday. It started a nightmare of speaking English...

I just wanted to ask him whether or not there were papers with ideas similar to mine. However he needed to hear my motivation and the background of my research. It was natural and I felt he was gentle. That's because I've been unable to provide my coworkers with appropriate answers when they didn't give me the background and assumptions of their questions.

When I explained my general motivation, he seemed to want to know more about it. He seemed to seek the best answer for me. Though we talked on the way to our building for 10 min, we didn't finish because I couldn't use English well.

It is still very hard for me to listen to someone in English, compose English sentences immediately, pronounce them exactly and clearly. One reason is that I have a limited English vocabulary. When someone says a word I don't know, I stop thinking, Ignoring it and imagining (complementing) the meaning, I need too much time to catch up to the conversation. It is necessary for me to practice English more and more.

After walking we continued to discuss my idea in his room. I seemed to fail the explanation completely. Although he tried to understand my idea and gave me questions, I couldn't answer them appropriately and make him understand it. Unfortunately, he was busy and had a flight today. We postponed the talk until next week. He seemed a little tired because of me. I appreciated his effort because he is not my supervisor. So I wrote a document about my research and emailed it to him for better understanding.

Before sending it, I had my English tutor check the document today. Although the document is 7 pages long, he quickly gave it a thourough check. When I talked to him about what happened yesterday with the professor, he said that this document would help. And then he praised my document for being so understandable. Also he advised me to continue the conversation as the best way to enhance English conversation skills. He is always a good guy.

Today I have to thank one more person so much. I'm very encouraged, and I know I'm so lucky.



円安傾向だった渡米時に大きく換金してしまっていたためそれほど円高の影響を受けていなかったのですが、こう劇的に変化されては帰国後の貯金がいくらになっているのかもうわかりません(^^; なぜか借金してしまっているかのように、毎日がハラハラドキドキです。PhDの学生には「円安確実ならぶっ込むぜ」とのアドバイスをもらっていますが、そんなに簡単ではなさそう…。







近所のトヨタのディーラーとしては、Toyota of Palo Alto (690 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto)が一番近くのディーラーのようです。日曜日なのでサービスしていると思っていたら、なんとお休み。駐車場についたものの、ガレージのシャッターが閉まっていておかしいなと思ったのです。(なぜか)BMW車を洗車していた(?)サービスマンに聞くと「サービスはあっちでopenしてる」と聞いたので行ってみたらセールスマンが「今日はサービスはお休み。明日来てね。」とのことでした。新車販売のみ行っていたようです。日曜日こそ修理とか多いいんじゃないの?と思うのです。ダメもとで聞いてみても、ヘッドライトバルブやサイドミラーの価格は教えてくれませんでした。「明日電話すればOK」と丁寧に名刺をくれましたが…私にとって英語で電話することほど面倒なことはない、難題です(汗)。

  • 事前にバルブを取ることが出来なかった
  • サイドミラーの水垢を落とそうと、硬いスポンジでこすったらキズが僅かについてしまい、少し見えづらくなっているので、ついでに交換した場合の価格を知りたかった(安ければ即交換)

ディーラーがお休みだったので、アメリカにおけるオートバックやイエローハット的な存在のPepboys (170 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale)に足を伸ばしました。と言っても、日本ほど品物が充実しているわけでもなく、接客態度もビミョーです。また、店頭には「タイヤ3本買うと、4本目タダ!」というようなアメリカ的なキャンペーンがされているのですが、3本以上買う人はどうせ4本買うんだから4本セットの値段を書いたほうが親切なんだけどと思いますよね?微妙な店ですが、オートバックス的な店はここくらいしかないのです(あとは街の修理工場みたいな、本当に必要なことをしてくれるところ)。






Google Latitudeというサービスが提供されたのですが、
  1. ブラウザなしのプリペイドフォンからは使えない(高機能な端末はたいてい二年契約)
  2. 日本は外れた





Google Latitudeで日本が外されていることから、
  • どうして緩やかなアメリカ社会からハイテクな要素が生まれるのか



What I Should Say in a Barber Shop - Jan 29th 2009 11:55

When I went to a barber shop for the first time in the US, I couldn't explain my order well. A barber man asked me only "Long? Middle? Short?" I said something more, he couldn't get it though. After all, we agreed with each other at "longer than Middle, but not long"

One day I tried to ask my English tutor what I should say in a barber shop. Roughly, I would like to have my hair around ears cut. He gave me examples:
  1. "Take a little off around ears."
  2. "Give me a trim around ears."
  3. "Shorten it."

I think these are enough to say because barber shops in the US don't care a little thing like Japanese barber shops do. However I am wondering how to make other orders...

This weekend I will try another barber shop and listen to others.

P.S. a lang-8 user told me another sentence: "Just a trim, please."


"furlough (一時解雇/帰休)"







Many Needles in a New Shirt - Jan 25th 2009 23:57

When I opened my new shirt that I bought in the US, I discovered many needles in it. What an awful shirt it was!

I don't know if it is usual in the US to pin up shirts to sell them, or not. However it is definitely dangerous, I think. Some needles gather at the neck part of the shirt. If I wasn't aware of all needles, I would have hurt my neck.

When we buy new shirts, we have to open them carefully after coming back home.

Texty Beat, a Great TV Program - Jan 25th 2009 23:41

Today I watched a TV program named Texty Beat.

The TV program is enabling requesting musics with a message. The message seems to be displayed while the music video is being played.

I think it may be similar to NicoNico Douga. Though the reality of Texty Beat is less than NicoNico Douga, I think the program is great because it works on TV. I have thought for a several years that they would be exciting everyone if TV programs such like football game programs with audience realtime messages appear.


It was a little rainy day. - Jan 21st 2009 22:43

In California, we rarely have rainy days. But there was a light shower today.

I used to always have a small foldable umbrella in Japan. But now I seem durable to rain as other Californians are. I rode my bike in the rain just as before.

And people in the US tend to put on the hood of their outer wears when they feel cold. Although I thought that the hood is for decorative purposes, I want to try it as others do when it is cold.


No Osho-gatsu Events in the US? - Jan 03rd 2009 22:35

I found that I had spent heavenly Osho-gatsu events in Japan.

Osho-gatsu means a short season at the beginning of the year, at least January 1st through 3rd. I used to go to a shrine to wish happiness for everyone I know, and I also used to eat Osech-Ryori, a traditional Japanese food for Osho-gatsu, with family and relations. It is usual custom in Japan.

Now I live in the US, and it was the first time for me to spend Osho-gatsu out of Japan. The US, of course, has new year events like the New York count down. This year I got a new year while I was watching TV programs because my living area including San Francisco didn't seem to have a big new year count down and because I thought it was safe to be in the house.

Here are no shrines where I could go like in Japan, and people in the US seemed to not go to their churches like Christmas. So I was curious about what people do these days.

Watching TV programs, I could know how the New York count down event was in realtime. Additionally TV showed me several new year festivals all over the world. The number of programs and time introducing world's events was more than in Japan. I think it is because Japan is one of nations which have the first day of the year earliest all over the world and Japan cares about itself rather than sees other subsequent countries once Japan has a new year.

I could see Sydney, China(Hong Kong?), Singapore(maybe), London, and NY events on TV. But It was all... There were no events after that. TV programs turned into football games and movies. Some channel had news programs, but they were not many.

Although it was January 2nd, my professor sent an e-mail to lab members on having lunch with his visitor that day:) He was ready at the university and having a meeting with someone!

This year I had spent lazy days in the US while eating Osechi-Rryori my wife cooked. Although it is January 3rd today, I went to my office and read a paper which became the first one I read this year.






  1. 理解
  2. 応答(応答技術はいままで全く練習していなかった…)
  3. 疑問文の形成(疑問文はメールでしか書いたことがなかった…)
  4. 発音(真面目に考えたことがなかった…)



