
ラベル USA/California の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル USA/California の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示




近所のトヨタのディーラーとしては、Toyota of Palo Alto (690 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto)が一番近くのディーラーのようです。日曜日なのでサービスしていると思っていたら、なんとお休み。駐車場についたものの、ガレージのシャッターが閉まっていておかしいなと思ったのです。(なぜか)BMW車を洗車していた(?)サービスマンに聞くと「サービスはあっちでopenしてる」と聞いたので行ってみたらセールスマンが「今日はサービスはお休み。明日来てね。」とのことでした。新車販売のみ行っていたようです。日曜日こそ修理とか多いいんじゃないの?と思うのです。ダメもとで聞いてみても、ヘッドライトバルブやサイドミラーの価格は教えてくれませんでした。「明日電話すればOK」と丁寧に名刺をくれましたが…私にとって英語で電話することほど面倒なことはない、難題です(汗)。

  • 事前にバルブを取ることが出来なかった
  • サイドミラーの水垢を落とそうと、硬いスポンジでこすったらキズが僅かについてしまい、少し見えづらくなっているので、ついでに交換した場合の価格を知りたかった(安ければ即交換)

ディーラーがお休みだったので、アメリカにおけるオートバックやイエローハット的な存在のPepboys (170 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale)に足を伸ばしました。と言っても、日本ほど品物が充実しているわけでもなく、接客態度もビミョーです。また、店頭には「タイヤ3本買うと、4本目タダ!」というようなアメリカ的なキャンペーンがされているのですが、3本以上買う人はどうせ4本買うんだから4本セットの値段を書いたほうが親切なんだけどと思いますよね?微妙な店ですが、オートバックス的な店はここくらいしかないのです(あとは街の修理工場みたいな、本当に必要なことをしてくれるところ)。





Devil's Slide Trailing

先週、Half Moon Bay北のDevil's Slideを一時間ほどハイキングしてきました。

当初車でサックリ見て、Half Moon Bayのクラムチャウダーを食して帰宅するお気軽気分だったのです。が、Devil's Beach Parkingに車を停めて浜に行こうとしたら、何故か相方が山に登るといい始め、REGALの革靴で少し歩いてきました。(日本製の靴は大切にしたい...)

山と言っても、Devil's Slideが突出している岬のこと。その様相からわかるように、かなりの勾配がありました。GPSの軌跡をカシミール3Dでレンダリングすると下記の通りでした。(画像左の岬がDevil's Slideで、右側がトレイルルートになっていました。)

    これまでGPSデータを処理するときにはカシミール3Dでレンダリングしていましたが、Google Earthも出来がよいため、場合によってはGoogle Earthのほうがキレイに映ります。もちろんカシミール3Dの魅力はレンダリングだけではなく、季節や太陽光の調整ができることなど、たくさんあります。GPSデータは、デバイスをGarmin eTrex Venture HCに変えてから、gpsbabelでフォーマット変換をしたり、gpsPhoto.plで画像にgeotagを埋め込んでいます。
    Venture HCの高精度測位には満足できるのですが、もう少し小さくして(液晶はいらない)電池の持ちを長くして、メモリを倍増してくれればなぁと思います。



ただ、いまの時期がHalf Moon Bayの一番良い季節のようで、Half Moon Bayは夏になると霧に覆われてしまうようです。今回トレイルした岬はMcNee Ranch State Parkの一部のはずです。自転車でダウンヒルしていた人によると「奥に行けばお花畑があるよ」という話だったので、次回はきっちり予定を立ててチャレンジしたいところです。

他のハイキングエリアにも足をのばしたいと思っています。調べると、Bay Area Hikerというページが参考になるようで、今回のエリアも紹介されています


How Quickly TOYOTA Hollywood Repaired My Car. - Jan 19th 2009 11:27

TOYOTA of Hollywood repaired my car in half a day. Japanese auto garages could learn a lot from them.

My car's engine check lamp began flashing on the way from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. Because it was right after I refilled gas in South Las Vegas, I though the gas might have been bad.

I called AIG road service, but it couldn't help us enough. The road service only offered to call the towing service which could cost up to $75. They told me that we should find a car repair shop and the best solution while repairing by ourselves. When we tried to find TOYOTA dealers in Las Vegas with Tomtom PND, there didn't seem to be any dealers.

I wanted to have a TOYOTA dealer check my car (TOYOTA Corolla) because it can check the ECU (Engine Control Unit = a computer on the car) with PC which can exactly detect what is wrong on the engine. Usually, I think, car repair shops without dealership can only adjust the tuning of the engine. So I needed a dealer shop.

Fortunately, my car seemed nothing wrong except for the lamp at the moment. My wife and I decided to go to Los Angeles where a TOYOTA dealer exists near the hotel whose reservation I had.

As soon as we arrived directly at the dealer shop TOYOTA of Hollywood, a service agent asked me what was wrong. When I explained the symptom (and our travel schedule) to him whose name is Alex, he could understand me well in spite of my bad English pronunciation. Because it was after 5 PM, he scheduled to check my car early morning the next day.

He said to me that he tried to call me 10 AM, but I got his phone call before 9 AM the next day. He explained the report of the diagnostics by phone, I couldn't understand him because I am not good at speaking English by phone. I had him wait for me by my arrival.

When I arrived at the shop 10 AM, he showed me the report. There were many things to be repaired.

The most important trouble was the electrical breakdown of the air flow sensor, which caused the engine check lamp. Additionally the engine belt got almost broken, and the drive shaft boots had a crack. They need have been replaced as soon as possible, but not immediately. He explained symptoms and costs to me very carefully, but he never forced me to repair all of them. It totally cost $1600 to repair all, and he said it must have been really expensive and depended on me.

However we decided to do according to him because we wanted to use the car without anxiety and we didn't want to have any troubles in the desert between states of the US.

The cost seemed to the same to in Japan. But what surprised us was the time to repair. He offered that he could return my car by 5 PM! At first I thought that it took at least 2 or 3 days to repair all, and I suppose it is usual in Japan. But he said the incredibly period. It didn't affect out travel schedule at all. I asked him immediately.

When I came to the dealer after 4 PM, my car was repaired completely. The engine check lamp was turned off. I wanted to thank him, however he was not there because he had back problem and had gone back to home already. I appreciate his quick repairing.


I Drove a Big Pick-up Truck at the Silicon Valley Motor Show. - Jan 08th 2009 20:04

I drove a TOYOTA Tundra at the Silicon Valley Motor Show today. The Tundra is a big pick-up truck from TOYOTA USA, which isn't sold in Japan. It was my first time.

When I got in the truck, I seemed to be in a room because the cabin was soooooo wide! And surprisingly, the buttons of the radio/cd player were also big, twice the size of my index finger.

Although the car has a 5.7L engine, the sound was not very loud when I started it up. But I didn't feel the power because the gear was fixed to first, though I was surprised that it had a sports shift gear.

The test ridding course had several bad roads. When the road inclined, I saw even less of my surroundings.

Anyway, I was VERY VERY excited by the American car.
There were other cars such as Tacoma (maybe with Hybrid engine), FJ Cruiser, etc all provided by TOYOTA behind the wheel campaign though I was fully satisfied with Tundra.


I Got Into a Trivial Accident This Year on Christmas Eve - Dec 29th 2008

Today I called my car insurance company, and got some car trouble tips.

On Christmas eve, I was driving my car to go to see the illumination of the Vasona Lake County Park in Los Gatos(333 Blossom Hill Dr., Los Gatos, CA). The park was decorated by many electric lights and opened as "FANTASY OF LIGHTS." It cost $15 to enter the park by car, we could see beautiful Disney-like illuminations while driving. It's another world only for 15 minutes.

By the way, we had to wait in traffic to enter the park. All of the cars had to be patient and had to repeatedly stop and go slowly. When I was stopping, the car behind me hit my car. I heard a big sound in my car. When I pulled over and got out of my car, the driver of the car behind said "I'm so sorry." I was a little surprised because I had heard that people in the US never say such apologetic words in accidents. But she said it. I was upset.

I said to her that "It was the first time for me to have an accident in the US. And I don't know what I should do. Is it usual to call the police?" She answered to me that "We don't usually call them for a small accident like this." Indeed, my car seemed to be undamaged. At last she wrote down her contact information for me. She seemed kind... However, I asked for her insurance information because I did not understand how much damage there was. She seemed to be offended because she seemed to be unwilling to give her details.

Fortunately, when I checked my car the next morning, the damage seemed little. When I talked to my insurance company (in Japanese), the agent gave me some pointers for traffic accidents in the US.
  1. Drivers are responsible to report any accidents to their insurance company. However if the accident is small, people sometimes skip it.
  2. At the time of an accident, drivers can call the police. But if the accident is so small, a dispatcher may refuse to send the policeman because they might have other crimes to attend to that are more important than a minor accident. Insurance companies can handle such minor accidents without a police report. But people sometimes tend to change their testimony. So my agent recommended that I try to call a policeman even if the accident is small.
  3. People in the US don't repair their car if the damage isn't big. In Japan, we call the police and our insurance agent to repair our car even if the damage is small. If the damage is small, the assailant can pay without using insurance not to affect the next insurance contract. It depends on him/her. Finally, we can solve and clear the accident only if the accident is small and trivial. But in the US, people is very willing to admit fault of their cars and forgive, right? It is thought that it depends on the culture about how much people take care of their cars, and I think it is interesting.
Anyway, Santa didn't bring me any gifts. But I learned many things about traffic accidents that night. Now I have a flow-chart that I made for traffic accidents which describes what I should do and what information I need from both parties. I will not be upset by it any more.

P.S. I had to turn off automatic headlights by covering them with paper bags of Trader Joe's. How pretty my corolla was!


Is Santa Cruz Clam Chowder the Best? - Dec 23rd 2008 15:38

I like California clam chowder. I've eaten it in Santa Cruz, Half Moon Bay, Monterey, and San Francisco.

Santa Cruz clam chowder is less famous than of Monterey and San Francisco, isn't it? But I think Santa Cruz is the best. Of course this might depend on the restaurant.

My wife and I went to Santa Cruz to eat it, and she agreed with me, even though the clam chowder of that day was a little salty...

Tastes differ at each place, I think. I will continue to try to discover the best one!
Now I would recommend trying the clam chowder in Santa Cruz if you like this sort of thing.


A Vietnamese Restaurant in Los Altos - Dec 20th 2008 02:18

Today I had lunch with my Russian friend, who leaves U.S.A. to Russia next week. The financial crisis brought damages all over the world. He had to interrupt temporarily his scholarship program and had to be back to his country to work again for his company.

So I invited him for lunch in a Japanese restaurant with my Japanese friend and my wife after taking him to Comcast (an ISP) to cancel his Internet account. According to my friend's blog, this restaurant called Sumika was supposed to be a good one. We were looking forward to it. But unfortunately the restaurant finished lunch time just 5 minutes before we got there. As a result we had to look for another restaurant. After walking the side street of Main Street, we found a Vietnamese restaurant and decided to enter into it because my Japanese friend likes Vietnamese foods.

Except for this friend, that was the first time for us to eat Vietnamese foods. I tried Bun-thit-nuong, a Vietnamese vermicelli (thin rice noodle) with sweet-and-sour sauce, beef and chicken, and vegetables. It didn't come with soup. That was a different point from Pho. The noodle itself had no taste, but the sauce complemented it. It was probably a delicious dish, but I didn't have any words to express the taste. Other people felt the same...

We were supposed to be talking about how we felt about the US, how much we like the US, what we thought about Mr.Obama, and where the US. was going to... But it was impossible while we were eating because each of us was trying to find out what the Vietnamese food was. Finally I wonder whether or not I was able to say goodbye properly to my Russian friend.


Cyclying in San Francisco - Dec 16th 2008 17:51

Last Saturday, I went to San Francisco with my bicycle.
I planned to get on Caltrain from Palo Alto to San Francisco with my bicycle and to bike around there. It took about one hour.

At first it was fine when I arrived at San Francisco. However, once I had biked for 5 minutes, it was getting rainy and began to storm. Although I had heard that San Francisco's climate is changeable, I never imagined that it would change so quickly.

Because I had no choice, I locked my bike near the station. Then I got on the SF Municipal Railway. It was very cute and cheap ($1.50 for several hours). Unfortunately, the weather was fine again as soon as the train started ;-)

I went to Pier 39 to eat San Francisco clam chowder. I've eaten it in Santa Cruz, Half Moon Bay, and Monterey. My favorite is from Santa Cruz. Eating San Francisco clam chowder didn't change my mind. Now San Francisco clam chowder is my third favorite. However I may change my mind again. So I have to keep trying other restaurants, don't I?

When I returned to Caltrain station, I found out that my bicycle had almost been stolen! The small thin wire had been cut! Although another thick wire wasn't cut, the rear brake wire had been cut, too. It was awful!

I now think it was my fault to have left my bicycle there... Going back on the train with my bike, I was thinking that I wanted to have my bike repaired as soon as possible...


Can't buy HDTV in USA any more?

Now I want a HDTV(larger than 32inch, 1080/24p). But I may have lost the opportunity to buy it...
  • Black Friday
    • Fry's
      • SamSung LN32A330(720p) $388
      • Sony KDL-40S4100 $749
      • Samsung LN40A500 $798
        • I went to Fry's at 4:00AM on Black Friday, but there had already been so many people trying to buy them... Above all, some families were great. They were well-organized and buying everything very effectively. I had been in line for about two hours, however I left there because I felt tired and a bit ill.
  • After Black Friday
      • Toshiba REGZA 32RV530U $629.99
        • I ordered it once. But suddenly cancelled my order without givining any reason. I asked why the company had stopped it. The company didn't reveal the specific reason but said that the verification of my credit card had failed. And they stopped selling 32RV530U... That I can't understand. My credit card information may have just been stolen by So I don't want to buy anything at, EVER!
      • Panasonic TH42PZ85U $799+$65.24
        • While I was considering clicking the button to buy it, the sale had already finished... orz=3
Now I can't find any information on good sales of HDTVs. So I may have to wait for Christmas sales...


Car Wash and New Theatre

Today I had two events. One was Car Wash, and another was about a theatre.

It seems usual to have own car(s) washed at car wash services in California. So I did it and it was the first time for me.

In Japan, I washed my car by myself and it usually took 2 or 3 hours because I did it very very carefully. Although it was difficult to find places to wash cars in Tokyo because Tokyo was very crowded, there are some places called COIN CAR WASH. I spent a few hours to wash my car usually (with the minimum service(=high pressure water shower)).

In California, although the land is very spread, there seem no places to wash cars by oneself. It may be because of 3 reasons. One is that almost all people in California have own single houses and can wash their cars if they like. Second is that people don't care whether their cars are clean, or dirty. The last is that it is fine almost always, we seem to have rainy days only in winter, so cars are likely to remain clean.

But what should we do if people want to wash their cars and if they don't have a single house like me? Those people seem to go to car wash services. Today I tried it as the first experience...

As soon as I arrived at the service, LOZANO CAR WASH (2690 W El Camino Real Mountain View, CA 94040), which I chose and whose coupon I had, the agent conducted me to one of wash lanes. When I said "Can I use this coupon?", she ignored me... Then when I shout "Is this coupon available?", I showed me the reception sheet and indicated that the coupon was marked. Here are many Hispanic people in California. They can speak English as well as Spanish, but a few of them are not at English (but it is the same to some Europeans and they can use English very better than me). It seemed that we couldn't understand each other in English at first. With the coupon issued by Safeway supermarket, it costs US$10.99 everyday. I don't know if it is cheap or expensive. The service men and women worked very hard and quickly! It took about 15 minutes to wash my car. Although Pop corns, coffee, and juice were served at free, I didn't have a time to eat and drink them. The work was good, I think. Here are many Hispanic people in California, and California life, everything including economics, traffics, environments, and social systems, must consist of their existence. We must appreciate their hard work, mustn't we?

And then, I went to the AMC theatre at the Cupertino Square, 10123 North Wolfe Rd., Cupertino, CA 95014, to watch the new 007 movie, Quantum of Solace. Here, I avoid writing anything about the story. I'd like to mention the theatre.
The AMC theatre at the Cupertino Square is very new! It was opened in April 2007. So it was very clean and very comfortable. Because I heard that theatres are very old, cheep and dirty, I can recommend Japanese people to go there. The price is also twice cheaper, about US$8, than theatres in Japan (usually 1,800-yen(=US$18)). Also I was surprised at the size of drinks and pop corns cups! They were too big for me! I think it may be better for U.S. people just to reduce the amount of foods due to their health rather than to exercise... (Exercising needs more food and Oxygen to keep heavy and powerfully built bodies... It's not smart, I think.) The sound effects were appropriate, not roudly but not silent. Screen size was enough big. I'd like to go the AMC theatre at the Cupertino Square again to watch BEDTIME STORIES, released on Dec. 25th in 2008.


Winery Tour

Although I can't drink wines much, I was interested in wines in California.
California seems to be famous for wines because of the amount of productivity of wines, which raises 90% in U.S.A. To create wines, California winery factories seem to work on the fog which San Fransisco is famous for.

First I went toward the north, and then arrived at San Francisco. The town of San Francisco was covered with fog, but Golden Gate Bridge was very clear. The photos were taken from the north side of San Francisco. It was a grand scenery where artificial things are mixed with nature.

Then I was at Sonoma Valley. Sonoma Valley is one of big winery places as well as Napa. An official of the Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau recommended me to go not only some typical wineries and cheese factories but also a place related to Jack London, who was a characteristic American author from Sonoma. When I said "I'm sorry, I don't know him", she seemed to be very sad... Sorry.

I visited the Sonoma Cheese Factory and Vella Cheese related to Cheese around the Visitors Bureau, and then went to the Buena Vista Winery and the Benziger Family Winery‎.

The Sonoma Cheese Factory was a shop to sell Cheese, Wines, and something about Sonoma. In the store, I could try many kind of cheese. Although smoked cheese was delicious, but unfortunately I didn't buy anything.
The Vella Cheese was also a cheese shop, but also a factory. we can buy their handmade(?) cheese. I tried some cheese so that I bought a red cheddar cheese. It was a important point, especially in U.S., that the shopper was very friendly.

Buena Vista is a oldest winery in Sonoma. Although I went there and saw it, I couldn't find out what I could there. I could only see old buildings of factory from outside and some pictures with the history in the factory. It seemed to be needed there to make a reservation of a tasting tour.

As soon as I arrived at the Benziger Family Winery‎, the staff called me and offered a winery truck tour for US$25. It was very interesting me, but it included wine tasting. I couldn't drink because I had to drive a car to go back home. So I said no thanks, then I walked a little bit around the winery by myself. The winery was very spread with some small hills. It was very beautiful! It was very easy to imagine the good taste of wines. But they also offers only wine tasting for US$10 per a person. My wife tried it. In the tasting, we can drink 6 glasses of wines. There were many choices of wines. She looked very enjoying wines, and she said "I want to enjoy them with much time". So I bought a wine bottle that she chose.

That's all. What an excellent place Sonoma is! I'd like to go again with my friends and family.

By the way, Palo Alto is safe place at the aspect of traffic. But in near Berkley, it was a little bit dangerous to drive a car because roads were very crowded like Tokyo... I'd NOT like to drive a car there no more if possible...


Carmel, a Beatiful Place

We visited Monterey and Carmel via Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz.

Monterey was an old town and seemed to be nostalgic. But it was not suitable for sightseeing, I think. It is because the Clam Chowder I ate was not better than ones of Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz I had ate (you cannot believe, but the clam chowder did not include any clams!), and because the aquarium was quite expensive but very normal... So I think almost all Japanese whose country consists of islands can skip this place. But it's important for families with children to visit the aquarium because it is a good educational place (not for sightseeing). We can see pretty sea otters and enjoy quiz shows (of course in English).

Carmel is a beautiful place to see sun sets. Sand of the Carmel beach is white as if it is snow. You can see orange-colored sky when it is sun set time. The day I saw it was cloudy... So I'd like to try to see it again!
Additionally Carmel has many natures and view points such as the Point Of Lobos and the waterfront of 17 Mile Drive. I could see wild otters and sea lions at the Point Of Lobos. They were very nice places even if they are only for seeing. I would also like to visit them again.

So if you come to the Silicon Valley, you cannot miss Carmel!

Excellent View from Hoover Tower

My wife came here last week, so I went to several places in California with her this week. We visited:
  • Stanford University
  • Monterey and Carmel
  • San Francisco and Sonoma Valley

The Hoover tower is one of symbols of the Stanford University today. Because there are no tall buildings arround Stanford and Palo Alto, we could see good view of Sillicon Valley. You may know, the sky of California is clear and excellent. So we were very surprised when we got off the elevator of the tower.
I had wanted to go to the tower, the tower had been closed before October however. We were very happy to see all of the Stanford University and Bay Area!


Autumn of Los Altos

Fortunitely, I arrived at the old town of Los Altos uncousiously.

The main street has trees colored to red and yellow... I had never thought that these landsace was in U.S.

The town was in silent, and time went slowly...

Pumpkins at Half Moon Bay

You know pumpkins are important in Halloween in U.S. They are sold anywhere in these days.

When I went to Half Moon Bay, the place of western California facing Pacific Ocean, which is famous for its agriculture and fishing, I could see many pumpkins. It was a week before, so a few people are there. But there would be crowded when it was a week later, the day of the pumpkin festival in Half Moon Bay on Oct. 18th and 19th, 2008.

The pumpkins were so big! I wondered who can eat and how were they cooked. People found a favorite pumpkin and bought it. It must be a custom in U.S.

In the description of Wikipedia, "Originating in Europe, these lanterns were first carved from a turnip or rutabaga." So other countries don't have pumpkins such many as U.S. in this season. And Wikipedia is introducing that Halloween festival is also held in Japan. But unfortunately it may not be true, I think.

By the way Half Moon Bay is the town which has the bay shaped in the form of crescent moon. The town seems famous in fishing. Fresh(living?) fishes were sold. The kind of fishes is fluke of sole of which I like sushi made of. I got a great information about raw fishes.

At the port of the city there are some restaurant. I ate a clam chowder at the restaurant near the dock. My friend said to me later that "You offten eat it" But it was delicious so that I like it.


Adjusting Wheel Alignments at Firestone

I had Firestone shop adjust wheel alignments of my car. It cost $79, very cheaper than Japan I think.

The reason why I adjusted was that my car was likely to go left and I had to lean the steering a little bit right. It may be caused by so many bumps in parking of apartments, the university, shopping centers. Although I had owned 2 cars in Japan, I had no experience to adjust wheel alignments. Those who want to adjust wheel alignments in Japan are only people who love car race and dangerous run, I think. And the cost of the wheel alignment is expensive in Japan, I think.

However the cost in the United States is very reasonable! Firestone service/mechanic staff, who is a very kind lady, indicated to me two plans: One is one time adjustment for $79. One is forever free adjustment plan for about $140. I would choose latter plan absolutely if I could stay here and use my Collora more than one year. I selected one time adjustment. I must appreciate her work because she checked my all tires and she told me that I didn't need to change tires which were almost new. And then she rotated my tires for free (usually it costs $20, she said) because three tires were of Bridgestone's (Firestone is an associated company of Bridgestone). How kind she was! (And she could speak a little bit Japanese!)

I found a good car maintenance shop!

NOTE: Please refer to the Firestone web site and get coupons when you go to the shop.

NOTE: Wheel Works at San Jose offers the adjustment for $85. America's Tire at Mountain View cann't handle the service.

Driving to Santa Cruz

3 weeks ago, I drove a car to Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz faces the sea south than Stanford. It took one and quarter hours by car. There is a little bit dangerous section at the Santa Cruz Highway where the width of the road gets narrow and people run it as fast as possible. My Corolla was run after to a pickup truck and I felt very scary...

By the way Santa Cruz is the beautiful and calm under the strong sun. People enjoy beach valley and playing kites. And tourists enjoy an amusement park, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, and restaurants.

I ate a shrimp salad and a clam chowder. The clam chowder was covered with a big bread. So I scooped up it with a spoon and ate. I felt that it was delicious!

Now it is October, so I want to go there again to see the autumn of Santa Cruz and to eat the clam chowder. The next I will use the sea side road where I will go through Hal Moon Bay.


Eye-Catcher of Today

Today I went to the farmer's market at the California Avenue. In Palo Alto, two (or more) farmer's markets are opened. Two of them which I know are Palo Alto Downtown on Saturday and California Avenue on Sunday. I go to the farmer's market either day to obtain fresh vegetables.

I bought bright yellow tomatoes (, a cabbage, and a green). And I ate an Armando pie and drank a cup of the mango lassi. Wonderful vegetables and foods I've never seen are interesting me. I am excited on Saturday and Sunday.


The Sky of California is Quite Beautiful!

Today I ran my bicycle and went to the Stanford Dish.

Actually I had planed to go to San Francisco for sightseeing today, but I was much sleepy in the morning. So I canceled San Francisco and decided to go somewhere else by bicycle. When I drove my car, I knew there is a mountain nearby the Stanford University and some people entered the mountain. I've been interested in it.

By the way it is getting colder and colder recently. And it is cloudy in the morning and it is fine from afternoon now. Today is not the exception.
When it is fine, the sky in California is very good! I like it very much. I could see the beautiful sky because I went to the mountain.

Let me show you some pictures of today.

In California, there are many squirrels in parks, towns and the university. Squirrels in the Stanford Dish mountain seem very fat. I guess there are many food for them.